The Bonsai Movie Crew
Join Me ( Joseph ) along with my daughter (Madison) and my 2 companions, Karen and her little brother (Eric) as we fill your ear holes with movie news and give you our opinion on a movie along with trivia about said film. Are we professional critics? NO! Not at all... but we have opinions to. https://www.facebook.com/TheBonsaiMovieCrew/ https://twitter.com/bonsai_crew https://www.youtube.com/@thebonsaimoviecrew1850
The Bonsai Movie Crew
Pod 116 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
Joseph, Karen, Jeremiah, & Madison
Season 2
Episode 116
This week we talk about the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre from 2003! Our creator profile this week is R. Lee Ermey!